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Reference material: Photo of Osaka Expo '70
参考資料 日本万国博覧会当時の写真
17th (Saturday)
Took flight SQ985 departing from Kansai International Airport (KIX) at 11 a.m. via Singapore. Arrived at KIX three hours before departure and found it overflowing with people as it was start of the consecutive holidays. Wanted to change money before going through immigration but when line barely moved even after 30 minutes, gave up. Major purpose of trip was the 35th anniversary reunion of friends from the Indonesian Pavilion at Osaka Expo '70. Can hardly contain my excitement.
From Japan were Michiko, the interpreter/hostess at the Indonesian Pavilion, Mr. -----, chauffer to the pavilion head, and myself, but traveling in on different flights. Met up with Mr. === in Singapore and boarded SQ162; arrived in Jakarta at 6:20 p.m. 
While waiting for visa to be processed, met by chance Mr. Kanzaki, a member of Daiseikyo.
Irid and Ti Ti were waiting for us at the arrival lounge and we caught up with each other over dinner while waiting for Michiko to arrive by JAL. When she arrived, Ti Ti took us to her home where we were reunited with her husband, Ramayana, after 35 years.
That night checked into Hotel Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta.

入国したあとビザ申請のため並んでいると間崎さん(大青協メンバー) と偶然出会いました。
当日はジャカルタ サリパンパシフィックHotel Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta で泊まりました。 strong>18日(日)
18th (Sunday)
Skipped breakfast for a walk around hotel environs as I had chosen Pan Pacific because it was close to BDN building on Tamlin Road where I worked from 1971 - 1973. Walked along Saban Road behind BDN building to Jakarta Photo, which I had frequented those many years ago. The largest shop of its kind at the time, it had hardly changed and there was a marked lack of customers. Shopped at Sarina; couldn't get into BDN as it was closed on Sunday.
Was invited for lunch at Irid's home. Centrally located, it was a huge house and only 30 minutes from his work place. In a city plagued with chronic traffic jams, 30 minutes commutation is indeed a blessing.
Arrived at reunion site at around 3:30 p.m. As reunion took place by the pool-side of an ultra-exclusive condominium, cars checked by security guard. (Photos of reunion and group photo)
After the reunion, Irid took us to Istik Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. It was under construction when I was in Jakarta but now a most majestic edifice. Couldn't enter, though.
Was to have flown that day to Surabaya but changed reservations and stayed another night at Pan Pacific. Didn't make use of the bed though as flight was at 4 a.m. and couldn't risk oversleeping. Talked with Mr. ==== and spent the rest of the time packing. Taxi to airport was only 10,000 rupia, around 1,100 yen and so extremely cheap.


本来なら当日中にスラバヤに飛ぶ予定でしたが、ティケット変更して再びジャカルタ サリパンパシフィックに宿泊しました。
しかし翌日は出発朝4時なので鵜尾さんと話しながら時間をつぶし、その後部屋でパッキングしながら徹夜して飛行機乗り遅れないようにしました。ホテルから空港まではチップ込みで10万ルビアであった。日本円1100円程度、安い。 27th (Tuesday)
On last day, Irid arranged for me to meet Nana and Harumi, who hadn't been able to make it to reunion. Caught up with news over lunch at the Hilton. Irid dropped me off at Plaza Sunayan; shopped at Sogo. Took taxi back to Shangrila Hotel (had extended check out to 6 p.m. at extra cost of 20 dollars), showered and left for airport at 5:30 p.m. Again the taxi fare was 10,000 rupia.
帰国の日、イリッドさんが声をかけて同窓会に参加できなかったナナさん、ハルミさんと会うことができました。ヒルトンホテルにて 昼食を兼ねて歓談。イリッドさんにプラザスナヤンに送ってもらう。そごうで買い物。
Shangri-la Hotelは20ドルでチェックアウトタイムを6時までにしてもらう。今回もタクシーで10000ルピア。


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