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18th (Sunday)
Skipped breakfast for a walk around hotel environs as I had chosen Pan Pacific because it was close to BDN building on Tamlin Road where I worked from 1971 - 1973. Walked along Saban Road behind BDN building to Jakarta Photo, which I had frequented those many years ago. The largest shop of its kind at the time, it had hardly changed and there was a marked lack of customers. Shopped at Sarina; couldn't get into BDN as it was closed on Sunday.
Was invited for lunch at Irid's home. Centrally located, it was a huge house and only 30 minutes from his work place. In a city plagued with chronic traffic jams, 30 minutes commutation is indeed a blessing.
Arrived at reunion site at around 3:30 p.m. As reunion took place by the pool-side of an ultra-exclusive condominium, cars checked by security guard. (Photos of reunion and group photo) After the reunion, Irid took us to Istik Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. It was under construction when I was in Jakarta but now a most majestic edifice. Couldn't enter, though.
Was to have flown that day to Surabaya but changed reservations and stayed another night at Pan Pacific. Didn't make use of the bed though as flight was at 4 a.m. and couldn't risk oversleeping. Talked with Mr. Uo and spent the rest of the time packing. Taxi to airport was only 10,000 rupia, around 1,100 yen and so extremely cheap.

本来なら当日中にスラバヤに飛ぶ予定でしたが、ティケット変更して再びジャカルタ サリパンパシフィックに宿泊しました。


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