インドネシア ジャワ島 赤丸が今回の訪問地

2005年の旅行 はじめに
Indonesia 2005
I took an extended vacation to go to Indonesia. Although it was very different from my usual travels alone, it was most satisfying as I was able to accomplish all five of my objectives.
It all began when Michiko, the Japanese interpreter/hostess of Indonesia Pavilion at Osaka Exposition '70 and Miss. Irid began planning a 35th anniversary reunion via e-mail. When I first heard of the reunion in spring, I was tremendously busy and thinking to back out, said that I could perhaps make it in September. To my great surprise, it was planned and scheduled for that month!
The original group of five or six who were to attend blossomed into 25 or 26, with even the then Ambassador of the Indonesian Embassy attending with his wife. It was truly a moving yet somehow comical sight to see the once lithe and nubile-bodied friends, rounded with the years, hugging each other at the reunion.
While I was planning my trip, I happened to learn that the Japan Wood Association was planning a tour of Java, which coincided with my travel itinerary. I immediately signed up for it as although I had visited the forests of Kalimantan and Sumatra on a number of occasions when I was residing in Indonesia from 1971 to 1973, I had never seen those of Java Island. I also wished to see stands of teak as well as the famous Bogor Botonical Garden as one of my hobbies is visiting such gardens.
I also wished to see present-day Indonesia, meet my friends and visit their workplaces as well as my old habitat and simply walk around and take in the sights.
Since I could not attend the Rotary Club's regular meeting due to my trip, I wished to make up for it in Indonesia. Despite great difficulties, I was able to receive permission to attend the Jakarta Gambil Rotary Club's meeting. I was most fortunate as I was warmly received and even given time to give a speech - I must say, though, that it has been a long time since I was that nervous or perspired as much out of panic.
The Japan Lumber Association's tour covered 1,000 km and I was able to experience many things. I was also able to race around Jakarta making use of the Trans-Jakarta bus as well as the bajai.
Java, Indonesia Red dots: Places visited this trip.
また、ロータリークラブの例会は欠席することになるので、なんとしてもインドネシアでメーキャップしなければいけないと思い、さまざまな苦労をしましたが、ジャカルタ ガンビル ロータリークラブの例会に出席することができました。