2. 7.木材林業
  3. 7.木材林業
  4. 今村祐嗣の研究質 TOP
  5. 業績
  6. プロシーディング
  7. 2005~2007年



2005-2007 年

  • J. Sulistyo, T. Hata, M. Fujisawa, K. Hashimoto and Y. Imamura: Effect of Interlayer Interface and Particle Size on the Thermal Properties of Carbon-Graphite Composites from Carbonized Wood, Proceedings of 2007 Meeting of the Wood Carbonization Research Society
  • A. Toyoumi, S. Horisawa, T. Yoshimura, Y. Imamura and S. Doi: Floral changes of wood-relating fungi in the crawl space of a new wooden Japanese house, IUFRO, All Division 5 Conference, 2007
  • Erwin, W-J Hwang, S. Takemoto, and Y. Imamura: Progressive microscopical changes in yellow meranti (Shorea gibossa) wood caused by white-rot fungus Phlebia brevispora, IUFRO, All Division 5 Conference, 140, 2007
  • K. Ishimaru, T. Hata, P. Bronsveld, T. Nishizawa, and Y. Imamura: Characterization for sp2- and sp3-bonded carbon in wood charcoal, CARBON 2007 Proceedings, CD-ROM, A164, 2007
  • Erwin, W. J. Hwang, S. Takemoto, M. Takeuchi, T. Itoh and Y. Imamura. Decay features of xylem on the cankerous tree of tropical wood species, Proceedings of Botany 2006, 94, 2006
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